Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Ratings
A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) is a way of measuring the severity of a building’s potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact.
Depending on where you live in Victoria, your home is subject to one of several Australian standards for construction of homes in bushfire prone zones. The six levels relate to the intensity of radiant heat exposure, ember attack, and direct flame contact in the event of a bushfire. The BALs (Bushfire Attack Level) ratings, range from BAL-LOW to BAL-FZ (Flame Zone). Outlined in AS-3959, this forms part of the BCA (Building Code Of Australia).
Our work bridges the gap between your beautiful leadlight feature, energy efficiency, and BAL ratings.
We use A-Grade toughened Safety Glass to achieve strength and durability. These meet the stringent Australian Safety standards and codes.
- More information about building in a Bushfire Prone Area is available at the Victorian Building Authority.
- The Bushfire Prone Area data can be found at the Victorian Government Data Directory, and includes a link to an interactive map.
- Copies of the Building Act and Building Regulations are available from legislation.vic.gov.au.
- Print copies of AS-3959 are available from SAI Global.
Remember your local council may also have regulations different from above.
Double & Triple Glazing
Double and triple glazing supplies extra thermal protection and increases the energy efficiency of Glass. It also acts as a safety window because we use A-Grade Toughed Safety Glass.
As an added bonus, double & triple glazing minimises the effort in cleaning your charming leadlight windows. You get more time for family life!